Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No. 399: Bidoof

I don't know why anyone even pretended to think this guy was awesome, even ironically.

Bidoof is like a poor man's Zigzagoon. And since Zigzagoon is already a poor man's Sentret, that makes Bidoof something for the absolutely fucking destitute.

Seriously, Bidoof can go drown in a fire. It's annoying to look at, and has a horribly goofy name. "Bidoof", isn't that the sound you make when you throw up a little in your mouth?

And don't give me any shit about "oh, they tried to make him dumb on purpose, he's adorkable!" because I will slap you in the face. Being awkward and ugly and lame isn't adorable at all, it's revolting. It's like when everyone decided Pugs were cute because they watched Men in Black II, or that Chihuahuas weren't rats because they saw the Taco Bell commercials.

I don't even know what I'm angry at anymore, but I'm blaming Bidoof. Shit.

Overall: 1/10


  1. Huh, I always thought of "Bidoof" as the sound of a dump falling into the toilet... But yours works too.

    Poor, poor Rattata v4. You're what made me give up on newer generations of pokemon.
