May I be the first to say, God Damn.
500 Pokemon. Five-hundred Pokemon. That is not a small number. That is a large number.
I wonder what those original creators would say, if you went back in time and told them they would be so successful, they'd have to create 500 of the little guys. Or around 650, to be more precise. Would they even be able to conceive of that many Pokes?
Because I know when I was little, 150 was a ton. That was more than I would ever be able to honestly catch. 500? Man, I would've had an epilepsy.
I don't know what I'm trying to say here, just that I think it's wonderful that something as wonderful as Pokemon has (in my not-so-humble opinion) managed to remain wonderful for so long. While I think the quality dropped in the 4th generation, the games themselves were improved. And not everything was sucky, lots of them were great. And lots of the 5th Gen will be great, just you see.
Catching 500 Pokemon (or ~650) seems like a daunting, thankless task. But I can't think of 500 other things I'd want to collect more. Not all Pokemon are Created Equal, but as a whole they're pretty much kickass.
Oh, and thanks for reading 500 of my rambly reviews, you guys. Like Pokemon itself, NAPACE has variable quality, and I apologize for any past hiatuses, present sppelling erors, and future transgressions. I'd keep this up for 500 more Pokemon, if Gamefreak would but invent them.