Friday, September 28, 2012

No. 512: Simisage

What did you say about my pompadour, huh~?

Look at this son of a gun. He's throwing a thumbs-up right at you, because he is a cool bro and he knows it, you know it, and he knows that you know it. Also, check out that rockin' pompadour. I love those things, and the bushy eyebrows are only making it better.

what I love most is his attitude. He's cocky in a delinquent-with-a-heart-of-gold kind of way, which may or may not have been a thing until I made it up just now. But it's awesome anyway.

See, when I saw this guy, a green leaf monkey with a pompadour, I knew the Unova region was gonna be something special.

Overall: 10/10


  1. Was that a JoJo reference?

  2. That pompadour is amazing

  3. One of the few times I've adamantly disagreed with you. I cannot stand any of these monkeys

  4. @the top two comments:

    or shaman king.

  5. The ...-sage trio would make an awesome rock band

  6. He just suck.
    I try to use him and knew that, so I replace him with liligant, a very right decision.

  7. I loved these monkeys myself, just wished they were a little more useful in game to match their looks.

  8. I wish I had one! Then I would call it "Crazy Diamond" or "Josuke" probably the latter.
    To bad I hated tepig
