Saturday, September 29, 2012

No. 513: Pansear

As you know, Monkeys always come in pairs.

Pansear, though, isn't as cool as Pansage. He looks like he's declining your invitation, like "Naw, sorry man, I can't go out Friday. I've got... y'know, stuff to do. Yeah, sorry. Maybe next time..."

people like that piss me off, if you don't WANT to go to my thing just frikkin' tell me, don't make up some song and dance about it. I guess it's neat that he's got a different personality from Pansage, but it's a pissant of a personality.

Anyway, he's got a swirl instead of broccoli, and a jaggedy waistline, and only one prong on his tail. And he's red, for the colorblind in the audience. Watch for these few areas of deviation, because when we get to Panpour, that's where the differences will be. I like that, it makes it seem like there was an original monkey, like a control, but these three are offshoots of it. NOTE TO GAMEFREAK: This does not mean I want you to create a baby form of these guys to tie them all together, that would be beyond stupid.

Overall: 5/10


  1. They ARE offshoots of an original monkey. It's called Aipom.

  2. It looks like someone dropped a deuce on its head
