Wednesday, September 12, 2012

No. 500: Emboar

okay, finally a good name! nice pun, hi-fives all around.

Let me say, Emboar's pokedex entry is beyond badass. "It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves. It grows a beard of fire."

Holy flaming crap, that is awesome. I love how the statements aren't even related, but the fact that they are next to each other implies correlation. It is implied that because Emboar mastered the fighting arts, it was able to grow a beard of fire, and did so out of sheer willpower.

I also know that I'm so happy to see a blazing flame, and the fact that it is a BEARD is even better. Emboar may look kinda Journey-to-the-West, which makes me unable to ignore the similarities to Infernape, in both theme and typing, but I still really like the guy. well, he does have those bands. Eh, he's not as awesome as I stated out thinking, but he's still great and almost redeems the entire line just by himself.

Overall: 8/10

1 comment:

  1. He kind of reminds me of Lauro/Champ Alder.
    They have the same haircut.
