Friday, July 6, 2012

No. 465: Tangrowth

Remember that one time in Toriko when that GT Robo summoned Tangrowth to fight Sani? Was the previous sentence just pure gibberish to you? If the answer to either question was "yes" then you should read my blog every day.

Most of the Afterthought 18 are exactly that - afterthoughts, additional evolutions to Pokemon that no one really asked for. So in this regard Tangrowth comes out of friggin' nowhere, but actually I'm kinda glad it showed up.

See, Tangela is unremarkable and strangely forgettable, for how unique it looks. It was a ball of blue pasta on shoes. But Tangrowth... it has pretty great stats, and is just so bizarre and in-your-face that you can't ignore it. Why is it blue? What lurks beneath those vine-tentacles? Are its fingertips really red, or stained with the blood of its enemies? An enigma, that's what Tangrowth is.

Seriously, it takes the concept far enough to be noticeable, and that's what makes it better. I think it's kinda strange to be a pure Grass-type, and yet blue, but whatever. The arms are what really sell it, though, because it looks like it would whip your shit with them.

Just - just be careful you don't get caught up in all those filthy, naughty tentacles. Because if there's anything Tangrowth does better than fondling, I don't want to see it.

Overall: 7/10


  1. Funny, because to me this is one of the worst of the " Afterthought 18".

  2. There are one or two doujins staring him raping R/S/E female pc, Akane and SILVER, for gods' sake.
