Thursday, July 12, 2012

No. 469: Yanmega

Remember Yanma? "Actually just a dragonfly" Yanma?

Well meet "Still just a dragonfly" Yanmega!

I guess now it has more spots all over it, and flat spikes, but honestly, it really isn't looking too threatening. I might have said this before (on Yanma's post) but I would like to see something like those flying flat centipede things in Nausicaa. That would be scary and cool, instead of literally a giant dragonfly with not much added at all. There's not much more for me to say, because it should be pretty obvious why Yanmega sucks.

I just really wish there were more top-class Bug Pokemon, instead of lame duds like this one.

Overall: 2/10


  1. At least it's awesome in gameplay.

    1. Is he really?
      I mean, it would be worth something with a cool Stone-Type power to make it evolve in the first place
