Sunday, July 29, 2012

No. 482: Azelf


At this point, I think I'm beyond caring. All I want to say is that I actually like Azelf's head, because it reminds me of Princess Ruto, from Ocarina of Time. And if this was no legendary, just some Water/Psychic type or something, I would give it a pretty good score. It looks like the beginnings of some squid-fairy thing. So that potential raises it up past its brethren, but that's like picking the very prettiest lungfish.

Also I'm still mad at Uxie. That is the worst name. It sounds like a fairy throwing up.

Overall: 2/10


  1. There's also the fact that if you piss it off, you get paralyzed.

  2. Azelf creeps me out. It just keeps staring at me.
    What did I do?

    WHAT DID I DO?!?!

    *hides under the bed*
